5 Reasons Why Your E-commerce Store Isn't Growing

5 Reasons Why Your E-commerce Store Isn't Growing

5 Reasons Why Your E-commerce Store Isnt Growing

There are no permanent strategies and no permanent customers in e-commerce; the consistent iteration of USPs brings success!


Permanent interest in a particular product and service is fundamental to e-commerce development. Many entrepreneurs enter the race for e-commerce development without doing their homework. That includes proper market research, product sustainability, investment, and logistics management. E-commerce transformation is a unique opportunity for businesses to expand globally. At a pace of 11.45%, e-commerce development is taking place.


For instance, in the mall, which showroom would you like to enter to buy clothes or jewellery? Probably a decorative, sophisticated, and eye-catching store. Complementary, it goes with an e-commerce website. An e-commerce marketplace with captivating graphics, interface, navigation potential, ease of search, etc., is popularly used by customers for shopping. Websites that offer a heartwarming experience are highly accessed by users and have high user retention.


In this blog, we will discuss five prominent reasons why your e-commerce store isn’t growing. The popular reasons are poor website or user experience, lack of proper SEO strategy, weak or non-existent digital marketing efforts, poor product selection or presentation, and inefficient customer service and fulfilment. Let us explore the shortcomings and then find solutions for better results.

Reason 1: Poor Website and User Experience

Poor Website and User Experience

Uploading a product to the cart takes more time than it usually takes! Appear on the e-commerce site while using it. The above-mentioned situation is quite common while using an e-commerce website. Poor website blocks the pathway of development in multiple ways and negatively impacts e-commerce store growth. Consequently, website user experience e-commerce also hinders the retention of the online marketplace. Here are the major effects of poor website and user experience:

1. Slow Loading Speeds

In a world where messages are exchanged in fractions of seconds, the slow loading speed of websites is tremendously impacting the lifestyle of the users. According to some studies, it has been observed that 47% of consumers want websites to get loaded in less than 2 seconds. If the website takes more than 2 seconds, they leave that particular site. When e-commerce websites take longer than normal, it leads to a loss of patience among the users. They get agitated and sometimes decide not to use a particular platform. Thereby, it is likely to increase bounce rates.

2. Non-responsive Design

The e-commerce websites that are non-responsive are rarely used by customers. According to research, more than 61% of users would not return to a website that is non-responsive. User retention on non-responsive websites is low, and this somehow bifurcates the shopping tendency of the user. Mobile-friendly design enables users to have a seamless experience regardless of Android model. If your website is non-responsive, then there is a higher chance there is less conversion.

3. Complex Navigation

E-commerce websites that are complicated and difficult to use are rarely used by users. Complex navigation tends to restrict the website user experience and e-commerce store growth. Instant and quick discovery of products and services streamline the path of purchasing for users. The inappropriate menus and unclear categories create confusion and doubt among the users. Hence, potential buyers slip away from the website, which reduces the revenues.

4. Unclear Calls to Action

Highly effective Calls to action are important for magnetizing users toward buying products and services. CTA is one of the most interactive UI elements that help to convert visitors into consumers. If the placement of CTA is not done intuitively, then there is a higher chance that you will lose conversions. Moreover, it reflects a lack of authenticity and negatively impacts digital marketing for e-commerce.

Tips for Improvement

  • The first impression is the last impression; this famous quote is applicable in every scenario. The major focus should be on the website user experience e-commerce. Consequently, it will seize the user’s attention. Investment in UI/UX is a primary requirement for better results. A well-structured interface can make all the difference in getting visitors to transform into conversions

  • The website pace is fundamental for e-commerce store growth in one way or another. In addition, digital marketing for e-commerce becomes seamless with better website optimization. The use of tools like Google Page Speed helps to monitor issues on the website. Afterward, solving these problems can enhance conversions.

  • Prevention is better than cure, and it is highly applicable to website testing. Regular testing of the website ensures a smooth and efficient experience on any device. While testing, the developer can get information about the bugs, thereby rectifying bugs in the bud, which is helpful for better engagement of the website in the long run. In addition, it enhances the compatibility of the website. The recurring customers depend on the quality and feasibility of using websites.

Reason 2: Lack of Proper SEO Strategy

Lack of Proper SEO Strategy
  • SEO is the sailing ship in digital marketing for e-commerce. For instance, e-commerce website optimization strategy that can withstand cyclones such as Google search engine updates will succeed. SEO is much more than just focusing on keywords. For example, if you are reading this blog, it is probably on Google’s SERP first page and is visited by numerous users. The optimum focus of SEO for online stores is a combination of high-volume search keywords and well-researched content. Here are the major arenas where people lack while doing SEO.

1. Ignoring Keywords

Merit is always the changemaker in education and the digital world as well. Ranking on Google SERPs is not just a plan of action but a basic necessity to get major conversions on e-commerce. The companies sometimes fail to target high-competition keywords. The target on the right keywords is the powerhouse of SEO for online stores. If an entrepreneur lacks focus on targeting the right and authentic keywords, there are very few possibilities for the discovery of the products, and revenue will be lost.

2. Poor On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the backbone of digital marketing for e-commerce. Efficient On-page SEO is essential for ranking well. If an e-commerce website does not have proper metatags and inappropriate product descriptions for e-commerce, then there are chances that Google won’t give priority to the website. For indexing purposes, focusing on these elements is vital.

3. No Content Marketing Strategy

A well-defined content marketing strategy is a decisive element in SEO for online stores. The core elements of content marketing are blogs, articles, and product descriptions for e-commerce. Authentic, appropriate, and well-researched informative content not only increases customer engagement but establishes the authority of the website on a particular domain.

Tips for Improvement

    • Regular and detailed SEO audits not only help website owners to get data about their visitors but also help them to understand the search potential of their users. The website’s regulator should use tools like Semrush, Ahrefs, Google Search Console, etc.

    • The optimization of product descriptions for e-commerce, meta titles, etc., that should properly align with the keywords. The consistent optimization of products and services enables websites to grow immensely in digital ecosystems.

    • Use of keyword research tools like Screaming frog, Semrush, etc. Help the SEO expert to analyze the competition and identify high-intensity keywords. Consequently, more organic traffic, chances of high rankings, and more conversions on the e-commerce website.

Reason 3: Weak or Non-Existent Digital Marketing Efforts

Weak or Non-Existent Digital Marketing Efforts

Change is the only constant, if you do not change techniques to achieve results you will continue to get the same results. Digital marketing efforts that bring a change in perception and shopping behaviour are beneficial for online stores. The lack of effective digital marketing strategies can significantly hinder the growth potential of the e-commerce website. Here are some weak or non-existent digital marketing efforts:

1. No Social Media Presence

In today’s digital marketing scenario, a social media presence is more than a choice. It is a crucial element to sustain digital marketing for e-commerce. Popular platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and WhatsApp play a pivotal role in e-commerce social media marketing. These platforms not only ensure connection with a wider audience but also boost brand visibility. The e-commerce companies that do not have a social media presence are negatively impacted and are on the verge of missing out on potential buyers.

2. Lack of Paid Ads

It is not just social media marketing for e-commerce, but also the lack of paid ads that leave e-commerce websites out in the digital world. Organic results are not instant but cumulative, but e-commerce paid ads can have quick results. Entrepreneurs can see a dramatic rise in traffic through paid e-commerce ads on platforms like Google and Facebook. It will enhance the reach in particular domains, demographics, etc. Thereby, boost e-commerce sales with paid advertising.

3. No Email Marketing Strategy

Email marketing is one of the most effective mediums for driving recurring sales. If you are not focusing on email marketing strategies, then you are missing out on something really big. The promotion of products, services, etc., through email marketing boosts e-commerce sales widely, even more than e-commerce paid ads. A well-defined email marketing strategy will create magic in the economic dividend of the company.

Tips for Improvement

  • Focus on multi-channel social media marketing for e-commerce. It comprises properly using social media, paid advertising, email marketing, etc. It will technically boost your e-commerce sales and enhance your brand visibility.

  • Entrepreneurs should invest in social media ads legitimately to achieve higher conversion potential. The recurring targeting of a particular niche will bring more traffic to the website. E-commerce website optimization is a key element for obtaining organic traffic and better conversions.

  • The social media marketing strategy for e-commerce involves building an email list, regular newsletter publishing, and campaigns. It ensures better engagements and ultimately leads to e-commerce store growth. Thereby fostering long-term customer relationships in digital ecosystems.


Reason 4: Poor Product Selection or Presentation

Poor Product Selection or Presentation
  • Competitive edge in the digital marketplace depends on the type of product offered and its presentation on the e-commerce website. A proper understanding of how to craft product descriptions for e-commerce is mandatory to obtain better outcomes. A product that is not properly presented on the e-commerce platform would not get better attention. The description is the information on which customers will rely, and the customer service for online stores should be properly described and clear. Here are the things that entrepreneurs lack while selecting and presenting products.

1. Limited Product Variety

E-commerce websites that offer a limited variety of products will not be able to make their online store appealing. Customers always focus on variety and alternatives, which help the website to stand out in the competitive landscape. The wide variety of products and services attracts a large section of people and encourages them to shop regularly. However, customer service for online stores is enhanced with a variety of products.

2. Poor Product Descriptions and Photos

High-quality photos and clear product descriptions for e-commerce are essential to captivate the attention of the customers. Low-quality photos reflect that the product lacks trust and honesty. It will completely cause the customer to doubt whether to buy or not. Moreover, the lack of product descriptions leads to high bounce rates and lower conversion rates. The production of excellent customer service for online stores begins with clear descriptions and authentic photos.

3. Not Understanding Customer Demand

Focusing on competition and trends is necessary to showcase products and services on e-commerce marketplaces. Knowledge about the interests of customers and their requirements is helpful to boost e-commerce sales. Without a proper understanding of customer demand, a company will not grow. Hence, the revenue opportunities will also be lowered.

Tips for Improvement

  • Improve the presentation of the product and services. High-quality images of products and clear descriptions will significantly boost sales. Focus on the elements that bring trust and loyalty towards the products and services of the e-commerce platform.

  • Entrepreneurs should invest in photography and detailed descriptions so that customers feel secure about buying. E-commerce website optimization by showcasing appropriate products and descriptions will boost sales and engagement.

  • The optimal use of tools like Google Trends or customer surveys is helpful in understanding the demand and preferences of the customers. Hence, it will improve the shopping potential and transform the quality of buyers.

Reason 5: Inefficient Customer Service and Fulfilment

Inefficient Customer Service and Fulfillment

Customer services are creators and destroyers for the e-commerce marketplaces. If the customer service lacks experience, there will be fewer conversions. Under-capacity customer service and fulfillment issues in an e-commerce store can create a lane to a number of issues:

1. Slow Response Time

Wrongly treated customer inquiries or issues lead to loss of potential buyers and sales. The same pulls out the frustration of customers and damages the brand’s reputation. It becomes a question mark for E-Commerce store growth. In addition, it will give birth to negative branding and reviews that ultimately struck down the viability of the e-commerce website. Customer support delays, damage, and wrong products can lead to negative or unjustified reviews. Even better SEO for online stores isn’t the solution for the same.

2. Complicated Checkout Process

A smooth checkout process is the cornerstone for converting visitors into customers. If the checkout process is complicated, involves excessive steps and inappropriate instructions, then the customer will abandon the purchase of the particular product. The customers get into the trap of a complicated checkout process, which engraves reputation issues for the brand. Transparency is the absolute key to solve the craved gimmick and pre-occupy the market fascination.

3. Shipping Delays and High Costs

Products may be damaged due to poor packing, and the same can affect the shipping intricacies. Sometimes, the services are unsatisfactory, and the products are kept at high costs. It wipes out the brand legacy and causes severe shipping delays by hiring unfaithful courier services. E-commerce stores have to match up the customer needs and blend it with market wisdom.

Tips for Improvement

  • Wherein you can avail these solutions to tackle the same. Choose the right fulfillment partner and try to get a good warehousing system for the storage of brand goods. Improve customer service by developing automated chat or response options for customer issues. Thereby, it fastens the process of customer support.

  • E-commerce marketplaces should focus on a smooth checkout process. The framework of checkout should involve minimal steps and multiple payment options for convenience of the customers. Secured and protected transactions build accountable solutions for customers.

  • You can improve your packing and hire the correct courier management services. It will simplify the process of shipping and fulfilment of the delivery timeline. The e-commerce marketplaces should offer free shipping or competitive shipping rates to enhance the process of delivery. An efficient shipping solution can always be a sweet solution for your brand to grow.


Before we conclude, Let’s strategies the keys to unlock the true potential of an e-commerce store. A valuable brand can collect customer data and may create a sort of personalized product via targeted marketing campaigns. You can increase the return time of your products, which will make the customer more comfortable with your brand and will be a highlighted brand story. A faster website has smoother conversion chances. No matter what category you deal in, step wisely. Digital marketing and detailed product descriptions for an E-commerce is always considered a candid move by brands.


Is any of these areas holding you back? Or you are stuck in old fashioned techniques. Innovatrix Infotech has got a solution chip for all your e-commerce needs. Brag us your dream, we are right there!


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